Azure Devops – Setup Local Repository -Git Bash Configuration


  1. Install the Git Bash in your laptop or any machine where you want to keep the repository. Git Bash exe can be downloaded from here.

Git Bash is a source control management system for Windows. It allows users to type Git commands that make source code management easier through versioning and commit history. Bash is a Linux-based command line (that has been ported over to Windows) while Shell is a native Windows command line.

  • Azure Devops with a Repository created.

Configuration of Git Bash with Azure Devops:

Step 1:  Click Start à Git Bash

Step 2: Point the cursor to your local folder where you are planning create the repository.

Step 3: Go to Azure Devops  à Choose Repo directory à Click clone option as shown in the below figure.

There are two options to clone the repository

  1. SSH
  2. HTTPS

Here we are choosing SSH option for cloning the repository.

Step 4: Copy the SSH details from Azure Devops clone Repository.

Step 5: Using git clone command, configure the repository locally as shown in the below.


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