SQL SERVER – FCI – Error – The resource could not be moved from cluster group ‘Available storage’ to cluster group SQL Server (Inst1). Error there was a failure to call cluster code from a provider. Exception message: Generic Failure. Status code: 183.Description: Cannot create a file when that file already exists.

During one of the SQL Server FCI installation, I faced this error at the end of the Installation.  Could not find a solution across the internet.

The following workaround will fix this issue.

  1. Before the SQL Installation create an empty role in Failover cluster Manager
  2. Rename the empty role to Preferred role name which is planned for SQL Server
  3. Using PowerShell move the resource storage (mount point) to the newly created role.

C:\Windows\System32> Move-clusterresource “<Disk name>” “<newly created role name> ”


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